MADISON, Wis (SPECTRUM NEWS) — Wisconsin fire professionals say the COVID-19 pandemic creating a dangerous and deadly trend: a surge in kitchen fires.  

In the first four months of the year, fire-related deaths in homes, up 79% compared to last year, according to the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin’s Charitable Foundation.  

“So we are seeing a big increase in cooking fires, we are looking to remind people to think about what people are doing when cooking, so if you are leaving the room, turoff the stove,” The Foundation’s Executive Director Mike Wos said.

UW Health Burn ICU Director Dr. Lee Faucher says the pandemic is increasing patient volume by 40%.  He says the reason is directly related to cooking injuries.

"‘Due to grease spills and hot water spills,” Dr. Faucher said.

He urges you to play it safe around fire and  to never put water on a grease fire.  They top physician also hopes you purchase a fire extinguisher for your family and remember if things get too bad, don’t try to fight the flames.

“Sometimes it’s really not worth the risk to injure oneself in trying to put out the fire, so learning those things, having a fire extinguisher in the home, learning to cover the pan instead of picking up the pan and moving it to try to douse the flames,” Dr. Faucher said. 

“And when in doubt, just get out,” he added.

Learn more ways you can protect your family, click here.

Help support the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin’s Charitable Foundation, click here.