WISCONSIN (SPECTRUM NEWS)— USDA Forest Service provides insight on how to stay safe when heading outdoors this summer.

As the weather keeps getting warmer, more state parks and outdoor areas are starting to see an increase in visitors.

“We have been cooped up for a few months so I think it is good to get out and get some fresh air and explore a state park or a national park that you have never been to before,” said USDA Forest Ranger, Kent Nelson.

Kent Nelson has been a forest ranger with the USDA for nearly 20 years. He says with more people at home and starting to get out to explore the concern for fires is increasing.

“With a lot of people staying home there is more time and more effort toward burning degree and burn piles. I think a lot more of those fires have been escaping, making them too large since people are not staying with them until they are completely put out,” Nelson said.

For those going out to explore state parks or go camping, here some tips from the USDA Forest Service; Keep your fires small not tall. Know before go, make sure to plan ahead and prepare to be flexible in your camping area. And if areas are overcrowded, find another place to hang out.

Something else to keep in mind -- with dry conditions something as simple as a spark from your boat trailer or the underneath of your car can ignite a forest fire.

“If you pull over to take a cell phone call or something, there are some hot things there, your connector and your exhaust. If there is dry grass there, that can start a fire,” Nelson said.

A full list of safety tips can be found at beoutdoorsafe.org