MADISON, Wis. (SPECTRUM NEWS) – 14 soldiers from the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 924th Engineer Facilities Detachment will deploy to Kuwait this winter.

Based in Milwaukee, the 924th will support Operation Freedom Sentinel by providing engineering support for coalition troops in the region.

Understanding what's going through a deploying soldiers' mind can be tough.

“It's a rush of emotions,” Capt. Brent Flaten, who is deploying to Kuwait, said. “We've known about this deployment for about a year-and-a-half now, but it's crazy how quickly that time goes and it's finally here.”


Soldiers with the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 924th Engineer Facilities Detachment listen to speakers at sendoff ceremony.

Deployment can be a familiar feeling too, especially for veterans like Ret. MSgt. Brad Flaten who once deployed to Kuwait.

Ret. MSgt. Flaten came from Sparta, Wisconsin to show his support at Thursday's sendoff ceremony.

Ret. MSgt. Flaten served in the U.S. Army from 1974 to 1994 but decided to come out of retirement and volunteer himself for recall.

“I had coached a kid in baseball that got killed in Baghdad,” Ret. MSgt. Flaten said. “His vehicle hit an IED. I felt a lot of guilt in terms of that shouldn't have been him and it should've been me maybe.”

In 2008, Ret. MSgt. Flaten's number came up and he deployed to Kuwait.

Ret. MSgt. Flaten made the trip to Madison to support not only the troops but also his son, Capt. Brent Flaten, who is deploying.

“When they asked if there were any veterans in the crowd, my dad served 20 years in the United States Army as well, so that was pretty cool for me,” Capt. Flaten said. “They said in the speech that the military is kind of a family business and that's so true.”

“It's very satisfying to see your kids volunteer or step up to the plate when the country calls,” Ret. MSgt. Flaten said.

Capt. Flaten is a construction project manager living in Madison who will use his civilian skills to help with maintenance and minor facility repair in Kuwait.

He will be part of a unit with a special set of skills that commander-in-chief Gov. Tony Evers is grateful for.

“You are the very best that the state has to offer, but you also embody the values that Wisconsinites bring to the table: selflessness, hard work, dedication, and you represent this state well no matter where you go,” Gov. Evers said.


Gov. Tony Evers presents a Wisconsin flag to the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 924th Engineer Facilities Detachment to fly abroad in Kuwait.

The soldiers are expected to return home sometime in the fall before Thanksgiving.

Until then, the Flaten family knows the drill.

“It's tough for the families,” Capt. Flaten said. “It's tough for the soldiers, but we're all trained and ready and hoping it goes by quick and everyone gets home safe.”