MILWAUKEE (SPECTRUM NEWS) — Many have asked how Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin’s Kristin Ketchell is doing after giving birth on November 3rd to Noah Michael.  

Four days after the unexpected birth (Kristin was a month early), Spectrum News 1 caught up with the new mom and her husband, Michael.  

"It was a huge surprise, but an amazing surprise," Kristin said about the happy and healthy newborn she delivered about nine hours after her water broke at a Milwaukee frozen yogurt shop.

"My doctor described it as a Hollywood moment," Kristin chuckled about the wild experience.  

Noah came home with a touch of jaundice; he must remain near a special device for light treatments.  

"And when you turn it on, he actually looks like a little glow worm, especially when you turn the lights out with the blue light on his back," she smiled.

She describes Noah as ’so precious’ and excited to begin the new journey into motherhood.