MADISON (SPECTRUM NEWS) -- Across the state, it's mating season for foxes and coyotes, and they are moving into urban areas like never before. 

‘People are just really amazed and  surprised that these animals are in the city with us,' Dr. David Drake said.

The UW Wildlife Specialist said while checking traps at a site on the city's west side.

‘Typically where you have coyote packs, you have very few if any red fox,' Dr.  Drake. explained.  He says that's because the two normally don't co-exist. 

’Coyotes are  about three times the size of a red fox, it will kill that animal to eliminate competition,' he said.

But over the years, Dr. Drake says that has definitely changed.

‘What we are finding  in the city is  that they are able to coexist, they can share the same space and time and repeated frequencies.’ 

He says not to. be surprised if you see one sitting the center of Madison.

 ‘Some of our Red fox that we have radio tracked have been sitting on the Capital square,' he said.  The foxes have even made it to Camp Randall.  As for coyotes, he says besides Isthmus, there is no place where they don't roam.

The reason the unlikely pair get along is simple.  They are getting enough food.

'If you think about all rabbits and squirrels and small mammals in your. yard for example, there is just an abundance of food they don’t have to compete for in the rural world.’

He says that's why it is critical for pet owners to keep their animals close at all times and consider making noise through a whistle or even putting coins in a can to ward off the predators.

"The proper response from the animal is they should move away from you …they may not run but turn and as long as they do that, then that hazing is effective,' Dr. Drake said.

He believes with more of them inhabiting the city, it's necessary to 'put a healthy fear of humans into these animals…so anytime they see a human or pet, they move away from us automatically.’

Dr. Drake will be sharing his study and his findings Thursday night with the public at Kromrey Middle School.  You can learn more about the event being put on by the Pheasant Branch Conservancy, here.