MADISON, Wis. — Supermodel Cindy Crawford made a special visit to Madison Friday, and it was personal for her family​. 

UW Health Kids Pediatric Oncologist Dr. Paul Sondel has known Crawford and her family well for decades. 

The friendship comes after an experimental leukemia treatment given by UW's American Family Children’s Hospital (rebranded as UW Health Kids) that was not enough to save Cindy's little brother, Jeff.  

"In the 1970s, we didn't think a cure was necessarily attainable. Now, in 2021, 85% of children with cancer are being cured, and by cure we mean the cancer is going away and then comes back," Dr. Sondel said.

"The type of leukemia that my brother was diagnosed with was a death sentence, and it's not anymore," Crawford said. 

So, every few years, Cindy raises money for UW Health Kids and returns to Madison.

"She's been so generous to our team, and she's (Cindy) used her international celebrity as a voice to speak out for the needs of children with cancer and their families worldwide," Dr. Sondel said.  

Recently, Cindy and celebrity photographer David Yarrow recreated her famous Pepsi photo shoot.  

"I thought it was a great idea because that's so I don't know have like a lot of nostalgia and Americana to it," Cindy said.  

Through art sales with a match from Cindy, the goal was halfway met for a $2 million dollar UW Health Kids contribution.