Kenosha, Wis (SPECTRUM NEWS)- It’s almost time to harvest sweet corn across Wisconsin and a family-owned farm in Kenosha is gearing up for a big weekend.

“Our Sweet Corn Festival is August 10 and 11,” says Joe Smith, co-owner of the farm.

The farm has been in the Smith family for about 40 years.  Jerry is the patriarch.

“I plant and I bail straw and I help the boys pick sweet corn,” says Jerry.  “I don’t pick it, but I drive the tractor and I’m involved.”

Jerry says he loves seeing other families stop by year after year.

“It’s a very popular place,” says Lori Stanford from Kenosha.  “Lots of people all around Wisconsin and even Illinois know about Jerry Smith’s.”

Stanford, like many other regulars at the farm, has been visiting since she was a child.  Now, she brings her three kids.

“I like that we get to come here and spend quality family time together,” says Lori’s daughter, Emily.

That word, family, is the essence of what Jerry Smith’s farm is all about.

“Dad is great and he’s been teaching me things about farming my whole life,” says Joe.  “Maybe some people talk to their parents once a week, or only see them twice a year, but I get to see dad everyday.”

The tradition will live on.  Jerry has nine grandchildren.

“I passed it down to Joe and his wife and I hope one of their kids take it over someday,” says Jerry.

Strong roots and pride.  That’s what the American farmer, the Wisconsin farmer, is all about.

“It makes me feel proud,” Jerry says.