MADISON, Wis (SPECTRUM NEWS) -- A special Girl Scout camp at Madison College is wrapping up — after a week of teaching girls all about the first responder world.
"The women in fire and police talked about the lack of gender diversity and there was a lot of talk and no action," Madison Fire Captain Jen Roman said.
9 years ago, Captain Roman vowed to make the first responder future female.
"It’s open to any girl from anywhere, so this week we have girls from Illinois, North Carolina, and California, in addition to all the girls from Wisconsin,"she said.
Close to 200 girls —from kindergarten through high school— engaging in real life police fire and EMS challenges:
"We see the girls rise from knowing nothing to knowing quite a bit and we see the girls becoming more confident and we see them with character building as well," Captain Roman said.
She says while many exercises, like learning the five steps to handcuff, don't look difficult on TV or in the movies, but they require a good deal of skill.
‘It looks really simple but in fact, it is much more complicated and takes much more time to master,’ she said.
Luckily, Captain Roman and her Camp Hero counselors are ready to cheer these girls onto success, by sharing some of their own.
"It also brings adults together and feel like we are part of a greater force of people who are doing good for this world."
You can learn more about Camp Hero, here.