WISCONSIN (SPECTRUM NEWS) — In a time of need many companies are stepping up to the plate to help others out. That includes a Wisconsin real estate company. Wisconsin realtors from the Falk Ruvin Gallagher Team of Keller Williams Northshore are working together to help those who are in the market.

Many remember the 2008 recession and what that did to the housing market.

And as concerns of a similar situation happening again swirl about, Wisconsin realtors from the Falk Ruvin Gallagher team think otherwise.

“This is completely different this time around. Now we have a downturn fueled by the COVID virus, we have low inventory, so there are historically low number so homes on the market, buyers are in a better position to buy this time around. Houses are priced realistically they are not bubble pricing and lenders are still lending money,” Lead Partner of Falk Ruvin Gallagher Team, Richard Ruvin said.

The Wisconsin team is also offering new programs during this time. One is an income protection program, if someone buys a house through them and their income comes to a halt, they are willing to pay two months of mortgage payments. The other program is for home value protection.

“The second program is a home value protection, by that I mean if someone buys one of our homes we have listed through us and if they decided to list or sell that home in six to 24 months, we will protect them in the event that that home is somehow worth less,” Ruvin said.

Ruvin says home showings have been different. They are only showing vacant homes in person and using virtual tours for occupied homes. Meanwhile, what does this mean for those who are buying their first homes during this time? The Nack family says it’s been relatively smooth.

“Since the inspection everything has been good.our realtor has been doing everything online.anything that has to be done in person going forward they are. looking for options for virtual ways to get it done,” The Nacks said.

For more information on these programs and how to get involved you can call the realtors at 414-914-5300 or visit their website.