PORT WASHINGTON, Wis. — Supper clubs might be as much a part of Wisconsin culture as the Green Bay Packers themselves, or at least come close.

What You Need To Know

  • Wisconsin supper clubs will be featured during the Taste of the NFL Draft event

  • Port Washington's Moonlight Tavern and Supper Club is among the restaurants that will be featured

  • The owners said they consider it an honor to showcase a signature dish at the event

It is perhaps only fitting that a major fundraiser taking place right before the NFL Draft kicks off in Green Bay will put the state’s brandy old-fashioned fueled, prime rib-serving restaurant tradition front and center.

The Taste of the Draft fundraiser will feature food from around 20 different Wisconsin supper clubs around the state.

Taste of the Draft raises money for GENYOUth, an organization created in partnership with the NFL, which helps fund school meal and nutrition programs. The Taste of the Draft is being hosted by Green Bay-based Schreiber Foods.

The finished parmesan salmon dish that will be featured at the Taste of the Draft. (Spectrum News 1/Ryan Burk)

GENYOUth CEO Ann Marie Krautheim said money raised during the April 23 event will stay local.

“All net proceeds will go back to schools in Green Bay and across the state of Wisconsin. Our aim is to support at least 90 school nutrition programs because this is the 90th draft,” said Krautheim.

The Moonlight Tavern and Supper Club in Port Washington will be one of the supper clubs featured during the event. The restaurant submitted their Parmesan Crusted Salmon entree, which will be sampled at the event.

Mate Gal is a chef at Moonlight Tavern. He said it means a lot to get to show off a popular dish with a very big audience.

“This dish is one of our most ordered foods, most popular foods,” said Gal. “It gives us a lot of joy to be recognized in the state.”

(Spectrum News 1/Ryan Burk)

Anders Dowd and his wife Ashley Heun own Moonlight Tavern. After taking over the business three years ago, they said getting recognition at the NFL Draft means a lot.

“I think the way we are building here, the culture and family-like atmosphere, it is kinda cool to be included with some of these supper clubs that have been around for decades, and shine a light on our two chefs in the back that do an amazing job,” said Dowd.

To learn more about the Taste of the Draft event, you can visit the event website.