MADISON, WI (SPECTRUM NEWS) — The Madison Senior Center is working to set up pen pal relationships for elderly people forced into isolation by the coronavirus.

John Weichelt, volunteer coordinator with the Madison Senior Center, said the idea came after the senior center staff was calling to check on some of its regulars.

“We started to realize that perhaps there is more beyond just the people that were coming to the senior center, maybe there's some folks out there that really could use a writing partner,” Weichelt said.

So they started looking for pen pal volunteers. The Senior center quickly received a rush of people signing up to be pen pals.

“I don't think I've ever seen like volunteers just start pouring in like that, all the sudden it was just like boom boom boom,” Weichelt said.

The senior center has already facilitated about 20 pen pal relationships. Plus there are plenty of volunteers ready as soon as a senior asks them for one.

“If somebody is lonely and somebody is an older adult that is out there, I'd say let us know I have people that can write with you,” Weichelt said.

Weichelt said people who sign up don't need to be from Madison, or necessarily need to be elderly. He says anyone who feels like they want a pen pal can sign up.

Anyone who signs up to volunteer or get a pen pal should be able to write for at least three months and be over 18. Anyone interested can email Weichelt at