KENOSHA, Wis. (SPECTRUM NEWS)-- Wednesday marks the first day of classes at Carthage college in Kenosha, which means students are constantly on the go around campus.
Food insecurity is an issue at college campuses across the U.S.
According to the College and University Food Bank Alliance, 30 percent of students experience food insecurity, even here in Wisconsin.
"We have learned that there are a significant percentage of students that have a gap in their meal plan or food needs during the week or the year," Carthage College Center for Faith and Spirituality Administrator, Debbie Clark said.
Debbie Clark is an administrator at Carthage College in Kenosha and came up with the idea to create a place where students could fill their needs for snacks or meals while on campus.
"Luther's Lunchbox is simply a stop and go option," Clark said.
Luther's Lunchbox is a one stop shop for any student who is in between classes, missed a meal, doesn’t have access to food, or just simply need a snack.
"I anticipate that this is going to help a lot of students," Luther’s Lunchbox Employee, Ray Watson said.
It’s a statement that Clark says she fully believes in. Clark says in all her years at Carthage, this is the project she is most proud to be a part of.
"Students can walk through can grab a snack bar, grab something they can microwave during the day when they need a breakfast lunch or dinner to just kind of fill the gap during the day," Clark said.
For Carthage student, Asmau Diallo, dealing with food insecurity was a problem during her sophomore year.
"I had a lot of food insecurity because we would run out of points or sometimes locations on campus were closed," Carthage College Junior, Asmau Diallo said.
But now, Diallo says she has a reliable option she can count on.
"The fact that Carthage shows that it cares by providing food to these students and other students who face food insecurity, I think it a really great way for the Carthage community to show that they care about their students and that they are listening to the problems that we have," Diallo said.
Students are now able to rely on a simple shelf stocked with snacks and nutritious options to get them through the day and the school year.
Luther's lunchbox is located on campus in the A.F. Siebert Chapel. They also provide a list of places for students to find microwaves across campus to heat up their meals.