MADISON, Wis. (SPECTRUM NEWS) – Nearly 1.2 million voters requested an absentee ballot for Tuesday’s spring election in Wisconsin.
But in the following days, we are learning many people never received them and boxes full of ballots are turning up around the state.
There have been reports from around Wisconsin, including from voters in Milwaukee, Fox Point and Oshkosh who never received ballots.
The City of Milwaukee knew some of the absentee ballots sent to voters on March 22 and 23 never made it to them for whatever reason.
“We are going to formally request an investigation by the post office today in terms of what might have happened with those ballots,” City of Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Neil Albrecht said during a press conference Wednesday.
In nearby Fox Point, the village manager posted a photo to Twitter showing a box of ballots that were returned to the village hall by the post office even though nothing was wrong with them.
In another post, State Sen. Dan Feyen (R-Fond du Lac) says a postal worker told the elections commission they found three large tubs of absentee ballots from voters in Oshkosh and Appleton.
According to data from the Wisconsin Elections Commission, as of Wednesday morning, of the absentee ballots sent out across Wisconsin, nearly 270,000 have yet to be returned. The commission has no way of knowing why or how many ballots were never received in the mail.
“The clerk will mark when they sent the ballots,” Meagan Wolfe, Administrator for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, said. “We might be able to get some information from the USPS about ballots that were in transit still, you know, after the election, but there isn't a data point where we would know whether or not the voter received the ballot that was actually sent to them.”
Absentee ballots not turned in by 8 p.m. Tuesday or postmarked by April 7 won’t be counted.
Even though potentially thousands of voters never received a ballot, the state elections commission says there's nothing they can do for them.
“It's our understanding, at this time, that there is no alternative for voters whose ballots were not received by the deadline,” Wolfe said.