CANTON, Ohio — Chuck Shoenfelt has more on his plate than most equipment staffs.

What You Need To Know

  • Chuck Shoenfelt has over 40 years of service for Canton McKinley High School.

  • He's been an Assistant Equipment Manager and he's run the booster club. 

  • Chuck has been inducted into the school's athletics Hall of Fame for his service. 

Instead of managing gear on one practice field, he manages three.

“Probably a lot of them only have one field," Chuck said. 

He’s been moving equipment, washing jerseys and setting up practice for nearly 30 years at Canton McKinley High School. Before that he was in charge of the booster club, but he gets fulfillment in helping practices run smoothly.

“I like being with the kids," he said. "I like doing it. I just like doing it you, know. Make sure everything goes right if the kids need anything.”

Chuck is 84, but he said he has no signs of slowing down. He said all the exercise from the heavy lifting keeps him feeling young.

“If it wasn’t for this, I’d probably be dead," Chuck said. 

Chuck has been recognized for his work. In 2012, he was inducted into the high school's Athletics Hall of Fame, for over 40 years of service as assistant equipment manager and with the booster club.

“It’s hard to believe when I got inducted," Chuck said. "Being here with all these guys, man. There are some great players in that hall of fame.”

He manages gear for all the school’s teams, but football season is one of his favorite times of year.

He was a volunteer for most of his time managing the gear, and he recently started getting paid for his work. But he said he never looked at this as a job or a chore.

“I can't see it right now," Chuck said, when asked if he ever sees himself retiring. "As long as I stay healthy, and Zak will keep me working, I’ll stay here.”