COLUMBUS, Ohio — Runners get ready to experience the wild side as the annual 5k race returns to the Columbus Zoo this summer.

"Run Wild" supports the zoo's needs toward supporting animal care, guest experiences and conservation goals. The race begins at 8 a.m. on July 6.

This year, runners will take a new 3.1 mile track throughout the zoo before jumping in the tidal pools at Zoombezi Bay to finish.

Through May 15, registration fees cost $55 before rising as the race draws closer. Between May 16 and June 15, fees cost $60 and finally, from June 16 until the race, fees will rise $65. Guests can get a $15 discount by registering three or more participants for the race. 

Current Columbus Zoo members receive a 10% discount on events.

Children above 3-years-old must be registered and strollers are allowed on the course.

Spectators are welcome for the race, but are limited to two tickets per runner on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets cost $25 and details on how to purchase them will be sent to registered race participants closer to the event.

All participants will receive a t-shirt and a race medal.

To register for the race, or for more information, click here.