In just the past few years, we've seen a wide range of what the weather on Christmas Day looks like in Ohio.

What You Need To Know

  • Some years, highs have soared into the 60s

  • Multiple years have brought several inches of snow

  • Below-zero temperatures aren't unheard of

While this year's forecast isn't calling for much snow on Christmas Day, it's very likely that much of Ohio is going to wake up Christmas morning to snow on the ground.

However, a "white Christmas" can happen in Ohio. The last time we had at least one inch of snow fall on Dec. 25 was in 1995 for Columbus, 2010 for Cincinnati, and just two years ago in Cleveland, when we picked up 4.2" of snow on Christmas Day of 2020.

This year certainly promises to be a cold year, with highs only in the teens. That's not unusual, either, and has happened recently. We did it in 2020 in Columbus and Cincinnati, but in 2004 for Cleveland (the high was 20 in 2020).

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