Hawaiian Electric is celebrating a significant increase in the number of rooftop solar systems connected to its grid, with the total number of systems now reaching 114,000 across the five islands the company serves, according to a news release.  

In 2024 alone, 7,976 new solar systems were added, primarily to residential homes, bringing the total to 113,999 grid-connected systems — representing a 7.5% increase over 2023. This growth is contributing to a rise in the company’s overall solar generating capacity, which now stands at 1,410 megawatts, marking a 13% increase from the previous year.

(Graph courtesy of HECO)
(Graph courtesy of HECO)


“It’s encouraging to see the growth of solar continue its upward trajectory as we work with customers and stakeholders to help Hawaii achieve its clean energy goals,” said Kaiulani Shinsato, Hawaiian Electric Customer Energy Resources co-director, in a statement. “We introduced a new Smart Renewable Energy program in 2024 designed to make it easier for customers to add rooftop solar and battery storage.”

Hawaii is a leader in rooftop solar adoption in the United States. About 26% of Hawaiian Electric’s residential customers and 43% of its single-family home customers have rooftop solar systems.