Hawaiian Electric will hold a free e-waste collection and recycling drive-thru on Saturday, March 22, to help clear tech clutter from drawers and cabinets.
From 8 a.m. to noon, the public is invited to drop off batteries (UPS, alkaline, lead acid), computers (desktop, laptop, monitors) and IT peripherals, cell phones, hard drives, power cords, printers and TV monitors (flat screen or CRT).
They will not accept cooking appliances, electric personal items, floor fans and vacuums, stereo equipment and speakers, hazardous materials, construction and demolition waste, or Christmas lights and lightbulbs.
The drive-thru location is at Hawaiian Electric’s Ward Baseyard visitor parking lot at 820 Ward Avenue across from the Neal Blaisdell Center. Makai-bound traffic along Ward Avenue may experience delays.
During the event, the electric vehicle charging stations at the baseyard will remain accessible.
People can call 808-232-2000 or visit the E-Opala Computer Recycling Center website for more information about e-waste.