ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Tampa Bay area artist Ya La’ford traveled for months throughout the western United States for her show “Survey the West: A Cross-Continental Reflection” at the James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art in St. Petersburg.
Her abstract study of interconnected lines and geometric shapes continues.
This abstract show is a first for the James.
“We loved her idea of going west and experiencing mountains and canyons and deserts,” said museum Curator Emily Kapes. “So having a Florida artist go west and bring that back here in her own way, from her new perspective, was really something important we wanted to share.”
One piece interprets the Teton Mountain Range in Wyoming after La’Ford saw the Tetons after driving through Yellowstone National Park.
“And out of the clouds, it’s almost surreal, what you are looking at, so I decided to make a painting to depict that moment, that space, and take you to that spot,” La’Ford said.
This immersive piece is a creation of 50 unique erupting geysers. And it’s also a no phone zone.
You can enjoy La’Ford’s abstract interpretation of the West until May 18.