OHIO — Ohio’s usual water abundance isn’t enough to overlook the vital practice of ongoing conservation to preserve water supplies, especially during droughts.

What You Need To Know

  • The 2024 drought has affected 7.4% of the state

  • Ohio’s usual water abundance isn’t enough to overlook the vital practice of ongoing water conservation

  • The Columbus Division of Water offers tips on conserving the state’s water supply

According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, southeastern Ohio is currently going through a severe drought. On Sept. 3, 2024, Ohio faced an exceptional drought event, making it the first of its kind in the 25-year U.S. Domestic Market record. The drought has affected 7.4% of the state.

The Columbus Division of Water offers tips on conserving the state’s water supply:

  • Plant trees on my property. Helps lower air temperatures and keep water in soil
  • Install a high water efficient toilet (or put a bottle of water or displacement bank in the tank)
  • Install a rain barrel
  • Install rain sensors on any landscaping irrigation system
  • Eat vegetarian for two or more days a week
  • Install water saving heads on sinks and showers
  • Sweep debris from sidewalks and driveways and dispose of it in the trash
  • Wash my car over grass or use a commercial car wash
  • Run my dishwasher and washing machine only when full
  • Turn my yard into an Audubon Certified Backyard Habitat
  • Use native plants in my landscaping
  • Water my yard no more than once a week (or not at all)
  • Use chemical-free yard and home products
  • Repair water leaks quickly (or let your landlord know)
  • Install a rain garden
  • Use a glass or reusable bottle at least twice a week
  • Select compost-based mulches (or make your own)
  • Pick up litter near my home and along my street before it washes into storm sewers and waterways
  • Reduce shower times to 5 minutes or less
  • Turn off water while brushing my teeth
  • Before I give my pet fresh water, I will water plants with the old
  • Pick up and dispose of my pet waste with bio-degradable or reused bags
  • Reduce my use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides or spot treat only when necessary
  • Use the GreenSpot Leave Behind card to encourage eating establishments to join GreenSpot
  • Place a cover over your pool to reduce evaporation