COLUMBUS, Ohio — Want to see some bugs up close and personal without getting your digging around the dirt?

Consider a visit to the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s main campus to view their upcoming interactive exhibit featuring (much) larger-than-life bug models.

According to a library press release, the exhibit will feature:

  • An 8-foot tall firefly and grasshopper
  • A 6-foot-tall stag beetle
  • A 7-foot-tall blue-eyed darner
  • A 10-foot-tall orb web spider

There will be a variety of activities available from tissue paper dragonflies to family storytime and bug collection jars. You can view other events and times here.

The bugs will be on display from Aug. 13 through Oct. 24

If that’s not enough bugs for you, you can always check with library staff for their bug-themed book recommendations.