It can be tough to disconnect these days as technology becomes more and more ubiquitous in day-to-day life, but if you're craving an off-the-grid lifestyle, there's a few places in Ohio you can go.

A study from had 3,000 Americans vote on the top locations for living off the grid, and three Ohio counties made the list. Those are Vinton County, Hocking County and Meigs County. 

Vinton County has a population of 12,800 and a land area of 412.4 square miles. The employment rate is 49.1% with a median household income of $50,967.

Hocking County has a population of 28,050 and a land area of 421.3 square miles. The employment rate is 55.9% with a median household income of $59,007.

Meigs County has a population of 22,210 and a land area of 430.1 square miles. The employment rate is 46.4% with a median household income of $46,255.