AKRON, Ohio — More than eight days since a mass shooting in Akron left one person dead, police are once again clarifying the number people who were hurt.

What You Need To Know

  • Akron Police Chief Brian Harding says 28 people were shot in the mass shooting 

  • Police are still searching for a suspect 

  • The city is teaming up with multiple nonprofits to create a Gun Violence Response Fund to help the victims 

They now say a total of 28 people were shot, including 27-year-old Lateris Cook who died from his injuries.

And while police are still trying to figure out who’s responsible for the incident, the community is coming together to help the victims.

“To the 28 victims of last weekend’s shooting, we see you, we hear you, we want to be here for you, we know you are suffering and we want to collectively help,” said Leanne Graham with the Victim Assistance Program.

Graham and the Victim assistance program are teaming up with United Way of Summit and Medina Counties, the Akron Community Foundation and the City itself, to create a gun violence response fund to support the victims.

“This fund is not about funding violence prevention or intervention, it’s not about city government initiatives, this is about providing support to victims,” said Mayor Shammas Malik.

The United Way and the Victim Assistance program have already donated $25,000 each to the fund, which is designed to help the victims cover the expenses that come with being a gunshot victim.

“These funds will help the victims to begin the healing process and not have to worry about mounting medical bills,” said Johnnie Hannah, Ward 5 Councilman for the City of Akron.

Organizers of the fund said they will develop a plan to make sure the money is used efficiently and spread out evenly among those who need it.

And while they believe the initial $50,000 will go a long way, they’re also hoping the people of Akron will help their peers who continue to heal from the mass shooting.

“Being a part of the philanthropic sector in Greater Akron, we know that we live in a very giving and generous community,” said John Garofalo, vice president of the Akron Community Foundation.