OHIO — As the amount of people struggling with mental health continues to rise, Cleveland Clinic is attempting to meet some where they are: online games.

The clinic's game "Zen Quest" pulls gaming and mindfulness techniques together to help mental health through breathwork, guided meditation, encouraging affirmations and the healing power of art.

“We know young adults spend a lot of time with video games as entertainment. If we can meet them where they are and remind them of wellness behaviors, we see this as a good initial step in being proactive in mental health,” said Dr. Leopoldo Pozuelo, center director of Adult Behavioral Health at Cleveland Clinic.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness said nearly 58 million people in the U.S. struggle with mental health. NAMI also said 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14.

Cleveland Clinic believes gaming, both participating and watching, can provide an escape from daily stress and has a wild appeal.

Developers will collect data and explore new metaverse strategies and expansion opportunities, such as potentially creating a free-standing version of the game for patients.

To play "Zen Quest," the game can be found on Roblox platform and can be found by searching “Zen Quest” within the online gaming site, or by clicking this link.