CLEVELAND — Earlier this year, Notre Dame College (NDC) in South Euclid announced that it is closing at the end of the semester, meaning all students will need to find new paths in their higher education journey.

What You Need To Know

  • Notre Dame College will permanently close at the end of this semester

  • Walsh University is going to take in the entire NDC men’s and women’s rugby programs

  • NDC is known for their successful rugby teams

But there is some good news about the school’s rugby program. They will get to stay together as a team and will now call Walsh University home. 

The university, located in North Canton, is planning to take NDC’s entire men’s and women’s rugby programs, including the staff.

Jason Fox, the director of rugby operations for NDC, said he knew this team had something special and wanted to do everything he could to keep them together, even after the college closes. 

“So I talked to the team, both men’s and women’s, and I said ‘do you guys like who you are playing with now? We just won a national championship’ and they said ‘if we can stay together we would like to do that.’” Fox explained. “So I started the work probably about a month and a half, two months ago, about trying to find a place to take the whole program in.” 

After what Fox described as careful consideration and a few school visits, he and the rugby teams decided on Walsh University.

Teresa Fox, the chief public affairs officer with Walsh University, said Walsh has never had a rugby team before.

“This is a pretty historic situation and certainly we have a lot of work to do,” the Walsh University representative said. “I’ll be really the most excited when it is fall and we see them play their first game and we have them here. That is when we can celebrate and say we really did this. We did this for the students. So that’s when I will be celebrating, and between now and then, we are going to be putting in the work to make sure we make these students proud and I hope they feel the same about us.” 

NDC rugby player Xavier Allen said he is grateful for the opportunity to play with his teammates for another year.

“I think this is the epitome of brotherhood and I wouldn’t change it for the world,” Allen said. “These are my guys and I am so blessed and I am so thankful that I am able to stay with them for one more year.”