OHIO — Temperatures in Ohio will spike this weekend and as people run their air conditioning it also could spike their electric bill.

Rich Kassouf, owner of RJ Heating and Cooling, said the company is always busy this time of year. He suggested people check out their HVAC system to make sure it’s in good shape before this heat wave.

What You Need To Know

  • Ohio temperatures are about to spike

  • Running your air conditioning all weekend will get expensive

  • Close your blinds to help keep the heat out

  • Hold off on doing chores around the house so that you don't create more heat in the house 

“When it’s hot and those systems aren’t clean and your filters not working right, your systems are working twice as hard as they need to and it puts stress on them and shuts them down,” he said.

Brian Alles, service manager for Heating and Cooling, said a good tip for keeping your house cool is to plan ahead.

“One of the best things you can do is actually close the shades on your house on really hot days, start your air conditioner ahead of time, don’t wait for the hot weather to get here,” he said.

Lauren Siburkis, a spokesperson for FirstEnergy, explained another tip to help keep more heat from building up inside your house.

“Running the dishwasher or putting a load of laundry in, we really encourage you to wait until later in the evening or the early morning hours to do that, don’t do that the hottest periods of the day because it will heat up your home and in turn cause your air conditioner to have to work harder to cool your home,” she said.

Kassouf emphasized the importance of keeping your unit clean and reducing heat as much as possible.