COLUMBUS — To help residents stay cool in the extreme heat, the city announced it will expand pool and splash-pad hours and waive the $1 fee through Friday, July 28.

Pools and splash pads will be open from 1 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. Friday. A listing is available online.

What You Need To Know

  • Columbus announced it will expand pool and splash pad hours and waive the $1 fee through Friday, July 28

  • Community centers, libraries and otter air-conditioned places are open to the public

  • To stay cool, drink lots of water, wear light-weight clothing and avoid strenuous activities

  • To conserve energy, set thermostats higher, close blinds and curtains and use ceiling fans running counter-clockwise 

Residents also can take advantage of community centers, which are open regular hours on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the city said. View a list of centers online.

Air-conditioned Columbus Metropolitan Library locations are also available and can be viewed online.

Columbus Public Health offers tips for ways to stay cool in hot weather:

  • Drink lots of water and don’t wait until you are thirsty
  • Whenever possible stay in air conditioning
  • Those without access to air-conditioning should use the library, community centers, malls and other cool public places
  • Beverages with alcohol, caffeine and sugar should be avoided because they cause dehydration
  • Eat lighter meals like salads
  • Wear light-colored clothing made of light-weight fabric, like cotton and muslin
  • Limit strenuous activities to cooler morning and evening hours
  • Check on those who are susceptible to extreme heat, especially the elderly
  • Never pets at home and never leave them in an enclosed vehicle

To save energy during hot spells, AEP Ohio offers these tips:

  • Adjust your thermostat a few degrees higher
  • Keep the sun out by closing blinds and curtains
  • Avoid using ovens and dryers that produce heat and unplug appliances when you aren’t using them
  • Ceiling fans can make rooms feel up to 10 degrees cooler if they are rotating counterclockwise
  • Change your air conditioner filter, which can reduce energy consumption 5% to 15%