CINCINNATI (AP) — A former campaign manager for a veteran member of Congress pleaded guilty Friday to two federal counts in a case alleging he stole more than $1.4 million from the campaign.

Prosecutors have agreed not to seek a prison sentence longer than 32 months for Jamie Schwartz, 41, on the charges of wire fraud and falsification of records. He has expressed remorse and agreed to pay back the embezzled money. He admitted embezzling it during 2011-2019 while working for the campaigns of Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Cincinnati.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Black didn’t immediately set a sentencing date.

“The campaign was deeply disappointed to learn the scale of Mr. Schwartz’s crimes and is grateful to all the officials involved for bringing this matter to its appropriate resolution,” said Megan Sowards Newton, attorney for Chabot for Congress, adding that the campaign will continue working with the Federal Election Commission to correct any inaccurate filings that were made.

An attorney for Chabot said in 2019 that he had been the victim of “financial malfeasance.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports Schwartz has to pay back a total $1,420,475. That amount was updated at Friday’s hearing and was about $20,000 higher than in earlier court documents.

Chabot is serving his 13th U.S. House term.