COLUMBUS, Ohio — One Ohio University’s art gallery is connecting the past to present.
The Schumacher Gallery rests on the fourth floor of Capital University’s Blackmore Library. Dave Gentilini, a Capital University alum, has been working at the gallery for 20 years. He’s been the director for the last five years.
“We usually do about three shows here in the main space,” said Gentilini. “One local show and one national show, and then we usually have our student show.”
It’s an impressive space for a small college with just more than 3,000 students. But even more impressive is the timing of its latest exhibit.
“I like to throw in a good history lesson as well and photojournalism and the Civil Rights movement is as good a subject as any it just happened to be that the Black Lives Matter movement kind of exploded over the summer, right before we opened this.”
The original Danny Lyon exhibit showcases photos from the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Now, photos from this summer’s protests can be found just a wall over.
“You can even see some of the panels here that were boards that were covering up the windows downtown.”
The Schumacher Gallery is open to visitors and will be launching an app for self-guided tours.