OHIO — Winter took a toll on Ohio drivers, recent data shows. 

The American Automobile Association said it helped more than 230,000 drivers this winter, mostly with dead batteries and flat tires.

Here's the breakdown of calls AAA received:

  • More than 62,000 calls for dead batteries
  • More than 27,000 drivers with flat tires
  • Over 107,000 tows

AAA also warned drivers to take care of their cars, as many de-icing materials, such as road salt, were used on the roadways this winter. AAA said it's important to remove all the de-icing materials from the cars, as it could damage them. Here's how to do that: 

  • Through a car wash — many drive-through carwashes offer undercarriage spray
  • Spray off wheel wells around tires
  • Open doors and wipe down all surfaces
  • Wash rubber car mats and sweep carpets to remove salt and de-icing residue tracked in on your shoes
  • Check windshield wipers, as the ice from the winter could have damaged them
  • Properly inflate tires to make sure they have a good amount of tread as spring's rainy season begins
  • If cars weren't driven as much this winter, batteries should be checked