OHIO — With the wind chills expected to reach into the minus double digits this week, Spectrum News 1 Ohio compiled a list of stories containing tips for getting through the frigid weather — everything from how to prevent freezing pipes, to taking car of your car and even your pets. 

Take a look:

(File Photo)

1. Doctor shares tips to avoid frosbite
Many Ohioans sent their kids off to school in yet another morning of below-freezing temperatures.

2. How to keep pets safe in cold spells
As temperatures continue to plummet, it’s important to keep your pets warm, dry and safe. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals released these safety tips on its website ahead of the cold spell.

3. Ways to protect your car in the cold

In general, winter can be tough on vehicles, but when temperatures are below freezing, it could make the impact worse. 

4. How unsafe heating practices can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning
The Ohio Department of Health warns residents that while staying warm is important, heating yourself and your home safely can save your life. 

5How to prevent pipes from freezing or bursting in cold temps
With repeat periods of below-freezing weather, it's possible for pipes to freeze.The City of Toledo and AAA has these tips to help prevent it from happening to avoid unnecessary expenses and repairs, as well as to help keep the water running. 

Josh Hart sets a drip for each faucet to prevent freezing pipes. (Spectrum News 1/Nikelle Delgado)

6. ODNR reminds Ohioans to prioritize ice, water safety this winter
As cold weather moves into the state for the season, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is reminding residents to prioritize water safety.

7. How to handle the extreme cold
The Ohio Department of Health said while you don't need to lock yourself away for the next few months, there are important things to remember when venturing out into the cold. 

8. Attic insulation may be the key to staying warm in single-digit temperatures
The U.S. Department of Energy estimates nine out of 10 homes are under-insulated
Homeowners could save an average of 15% on energy utility costs by sealing their home and installing attic insulations