WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sen. JD Vance’s selection as former President Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate is throwing the Ohio senator—and his stances on the issues—into the national spotlight.

What You Need To Know

  • Vance's positions closely align with those of former President Donald Trump

  • Like Trump, Vance breaks with traditional conservatives on several key issues, notably foreign policy and economic populism

  • Vance's selection as Trump's VP running mate cements a new direction for the Republican Party

Like Trump, Vance breaks with traditional conservatives on several key issues, notably foreign policy and economic populism.

Foreign Policy

Since World War II, the U.S. has helped lead an international movement of collective security—in which states cooperate to prevent wars—and was instrumental in forming groups like NATO and the United Nations. Republicans have largely been supportive of that framework and also advocated for more free trade and international alliances.

In contrast, Vance favors following Trump’s example of criticizing the efficacy of those groups.

He has been the loudest critic in the Senate of giving more aid to Ukraine, though he has emphasized he does not support Russia.

“I've never spoken to Vladimir Putin. I'm actually banned. I have a lifetime ban from ever entering the country of Russia, thanks to Vladimir Putin,” Vance said in an interview in April. “I have no affection for the guy and I don't think that he should have invaded Ukraine. But I'm focused on America and on America's problems, and it is not in this country's best interest to continue to escalate a conflict that could lead to World War III.”

Vance has also advocated hiking tariffs on imports in order to boost domestic manufacturing.

Election Integrity

Vance has hedged on whether he would accept the results of the 2024 election if Trump loses. He has said he would not have certified the 2020 election had he been vice president, despite the fact that multiple audits and investigations found no evidence of significant voting fraud.


Vance opposes abortion rights, including in cases of incest or rape, but supports exceptions when the mother’s life is in danger. Mirroring trump—and a majority of Americans—he opposes a national abortion ban, saying the issue should be left up to states.


Vance is a hardliner on immigration. In the Senate, he voted multiple times against multiple versions of a border security bill that Trump had urged Republicans to defeat.

“Look, we don't want to buy more plane tickets to fly illegal immigrants into the 48 continental United States,” Vance said in April. “We want to create real border security to stop people from coming in illegally in the first place.”