Giving Back: A New Yorker of the Week Special
NY1 celebrates some of the "2024 New Yorker's of the Week," featuring updates and a panel discussion, hosted by Pat Kiernan.
If you'd like to nominate someone to be NY1's New Yorker of the Week, send an email describing their qualifications to or mail a letter to:
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New Yorker of the Week
75 Ninth Avenue, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Know of someone who deserves to be honored for their contributions to the NYC community? Let us know by emailing your suggestion to
NY1 celebrates some of the "2024 New Yorker's of the Week," featuring updates and a panel discussion, hosted by Pat Kiernan.
Pat Kiernan introduces us to our New Yorker of the Week.
Our New Yorker of the Week is a public historian who volunteers at a centuries-old Manhattan home.
No one wants to think about a disaster happening in their home.
Our New Yorker of the Week is making sure that people who come from communities like hers are getting every penny of their refund.
They are inspired by their faith to give back to their Bronx community.
She's member of one of the country’s historic Black college fraternal organizations.
Arnav Mody is our New Yorker of the Week.
It can be lonely for seniors who struggle to get out of the house. That’s where our New Yorker of the Week comes in.
She visits a Middle Village animal shelter several times a week to care for cats.
For sharing food and a smile with her neighbors, Lorna Patterson is our New Yorker of the Week.