BOSTON, Mass. - Hundreds of people gathered at the Massachusetts State House on Wednesday for Immigrants Day, a long-running event in which local immigrants and advocacy groups speak out on issues affecting the state’s immigrant population.

What You Need To Know

  • Hundreds of people gathered at the Massachusetts State House on Wednesday for Immigrants Day

  • The annual event features speeches from advocacy groups and legislators looking to help the local immigrant population
  • Several speakers urged state government to step in and help protect immigrants amid Trump Administration deportations

  • The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition also held a conference the day prior

Sarang Sekhavat, chief of staff for the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, said this year it felt particularly important to come together and be united.

“We know a big part of what they’re doing is trying to silence any opposition, silence any dissent,” Sekhavat said. “People are feeling so fearful, it’s helpful to know that there are not only others in that same position, but others who are there to support them.

Sekhavat and MIRA believe amid ongoing fears over the Trump Administration’s deportations and other actions, state government should provide more protection, particularly a law limiting cooperation between local and federal law enforcement when it comes to deportations.

“There’s nothing we can really do to stop the feds, there is no such thing as a sanctuary city, but the more we can make sure that local criminal law enforcement is actually focused on criminal law enforcement instead of civil law enforcement, the safer our communities are overall in many ways,” Sekhavat said.

Advocates say recent deportation flights to El Salvador only heightened their fear, but the Trump Administration maintains the flights only contained alleged gang members. A district judge blocked the flight, but was told by lawyers it was already in the air over international waters.

“The idea that this Administration is just ignoring court orders, ignoring due process, it kind of throws everything into a bit more of a panic for us,” Sekhavat said.

Wednesday marked the 29th Immigrants Day at the Massachusetts State House. On Tuesday, MIRA also held a conference focused on developing advocacy skills and driving change.