WEST BROOKFIELD, Mass. - Carrying nearly 30 pounds of weight on their shoulders around Worcester County is how Robbie Sherwood and Joe Colavito are showing their support in the fight against pediatric cancer.

What You Need To Know

  • Why Me & Sherry's House hosted Day 3 of their 100 mile Ruck Challenge

  • It's the Worcester non-profits 4th annual event, which serves as a fundraiser in the fight against pediatric cancer

  • About 50 volunteers since Thursday have been participating in the 4-day event where each walker travels 25 miles a day throughout Central Massachusetts, before camping outside overnight and taking off again at sunrise

  • Robbie Sherwood and Joe Colavito were two residents from Connecticut who are participating in the event this weekend

It's all for the Why Me & Sherry's House 4th annual 100 mile Ruck Challenge.

"Absolutely great!" said Connecticut resident Robbie Sherwood.

"Slightly less good but also great," added Connecticut resident Joe Colavito.

About 50 volunteers since Thursday have been participating in the 4-day event, where each walker travels 25 miles a day throughout Central Massachusetts, before camping outside overnight and taking off again at sunrise.

Sherwood said cancer has impacted his own family so the cause for him is personal.

"Anything we can do to help and give back," said Sherwood. "We're trying to raise as much money as we can. It's pretty close to my heart right now. I lost my cousin in May to brain cancer so this is a big event for me."

Why Me & Sherry's House raised almost $200,000 last year. Executive Director Rebecca Kuczarski said support from the community is vital.

"Whether that's support groups while their child is in treatment or support groups if they've lost their child," Kuczarski said. "Family fun activities to make sure they're creating memories, spending time as family outside of the hospital, socialization for these kids that a lot of times are very isolated."

Walkers were greeted with cheers and encouragement from several local residents at the West Brookfield Town Commons.

"It keeps us going," Sherwood said. "It gets us going - every checkpoint we've been too, the volunteers have been great, keeping our spirits up, the camera crew has been hyping us up the whole time so we're feeling good. It's hard to feel down when everyone's supporting us."

The 100 mile Ruck Challenge will end Sunday afternoon with participants finishing at Why Me & Sherry's House in Worcester.