WORCESTER, Mass. - Early voting has begun in Worcester ahead of next week's preliminary election.

The city clerk's office says the polling location at the Worcester Public Library was active Monday morning. Assistant city clerk Clare Robbins said they've already received more than 2,500 early vote-by-mail ballots as well.

This year's preliminary election will narrow down the field in city council districts one, two, four and five. It's also the first year voters will elect school committee members in districts. Only District E will be voted on in the preliminary.

Because of the new format, the city is encouraging voters to do some research before going to the polls.

"We really urge voters to utilize other resources we have on the city's website,” Robbins said. “So, the website has all the information they could need regarding school committee districts, what school committee district they vote in and all the candidates running for their particular district. So, we really urge folks to visit the city's website and select the ‘Make Your Vote Count’ button, and you'll receive all the information you need there."

Early voting lasts until Friday. Voters can cast their ballots at the library every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library will expand voting hours on Tuesday and Thursday to 7 p.m.