CHICOPEE, Mass. - Be your authentic self - It's the message this year's Chicopee Pride Parade Committee chair Emarie Leatherwood wants members of the LGBTQ+ community to know.
What You Need To Know
- Emarie Leatherwood was this years Chicopee Pride Parade Committee Chair
- Leatherwood's pronoun's are she/they and identifies as trans non-binary adult
- Leatherwood is 36 years old and is a Chicopee resident
- Leatherwood said the goal of hosting the Pride parade this past weekend was a to create an environment where people could be themselves
Leatherwood identifies as a trans non-binary adult. She said she doesn't fully identify as male or female, but leans more feminine.
"The reproductive organs that I was born with hold no influence in how I dress, the activities that I participate in or how I feel about myself," Leatherwood said.
Leatherwood said she grew up in a time where their gender identity was identified as a mental illness, which lead to bullying and harassment from their peers. At 36, she said it's still a challenge to dress how she wants publicly.
"I wasn't sure if I wanted to the dress today or my leggings with one of my black t-shirts that I like," she said. "And she's like, 'be you' and that meant a lot to me."
Leatherwood said there are many members in the LGBTQ+ community who do not have support from their loved ones. She said the goal of hosting the parade was to create an environment where individuals could feel safe being themselves.
"Be you," she said. "That's what I wanted the message from Pride fest to be. We spread love, kindness and acceptance. And the most important of that is, loving yourself, being kind to yourself, and accepting who you are."
Leatherwood said there are many LBGTQ+ members who are suffering from mental health issues due to mistreatment from others. She wants the community to know it's ok to ask for help and to not feel like they have to worry alone.