SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Removing barriers and allowing full-time students at Holyoke Community College and Springfield Technical Community College a better opportunity to succeed in the their educational pursuits: It’s the hope of a program which will allow students an affordable housing option at American International College.

What You Need To Know

  • American International College has signed an agreement that will allow full-time students at Holyoke Community College & Springfield Technical Community College housing

  • Benefits for the full time community college student will also include food, meal plans, access to libraries, athletic complexes

  • About 35% of AIC students are first generation college students, while 50-55% are Pell-eligible at or below the poverty line

  • The housing partnership will go into effect for the upcoming fall semester.

"Now we have created a structured pathway to have a community college student that wants to go to STCC or HCC to have housing, food, meal plans and access to libraries, to athletic complexes, to all the services at AIC," said AIC President Hubert Benitez. 

Bentiez said community college is an option for many because it can be difficult to afford a four-year institution. He said AIC also works with many students who may need financial help.

"About 35% are first generation college students," Benitez said. "And about 50% or 55% are Pell-eligible, at or below the poverty line."

Benitez said it's important to invest in the education of students at all three institutions because it gives them better opportunities for social mobility as well as a chance to give back to the communities they were raised in.

"The majority of our graduates, not all, but a good component of our graduates actually when they finish, serve our workforce in the city of Springfield," he said. "So we're also preparing the skilled workforce for our local communities. So AIC is also preparing the baccalaureate, the masters level and the doctorate level to serve Springfield and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

The housing partnership will go into effect for the upcoming fall semester.