LUDLOW, Mass. - Mary the eland Antelope was spotted in southern Ludlow just last week. She escaped from Lupa Zoo almost a month ago and has been on the loose since.

What You Need To Know

  • An eland antelope named Mary escaped Lupa Zoo earlier this spring after a storm caused a tree to fall and damage the cage keeping her inside

  • The antelope has been spotted around Hampden County areas including Wilbraham

  • The antelope is a non-aggressive herbivore that can survive in the wild by eating grass and drinking water

  • Lupa Zoo knows where the antelope is

The zoo’s director, Wally Lupa, said there are several factors making catching the animal a challenge.

"She’s been tough," Lupa said. "She’s the worlds largest species of antelope. The eland, they can sleep about 10 minutes and get enough sleep and move on. They can trot at about 25 miles an hour, at steady trout. They move through the woods like a ghost.”

The antelope has been seen in a few different places, including in nearby Wilbraham. Lupa said the community and the sheriff’s department are very supportive, but it’s still been difficult to make the capture.

"We spend a lot nights sleeping in cars all over town," Lupa said. "People might’ve seen us and they've let us stay in there driveways to stay close because this is the kind of situation where if I get a phone call and I can’t get there in 5 or 10 minutes, it’s old news."

The zoo opened for the spring season in late April. Lupa said the search and running the zoo together is a big burden.

"There’s certain things, tasks that are lower on the totem pole that have gone out," Lupa said. "We’ve have some projects here with upgrading the PA system and some different play areas that are put on hold right now because this is priority.”

Lupa said the zoo knows where Mary is and hopes to bring her back home safely very soon.