SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Medical professionals at Baystate Hospital are asking parents to talk to their children about proper ways to take allergy medicine after another social media challenge this month left an Ohio teenager dead.

It’s being called the Benadryl challenge and cost the 13-year-old his life.

The so-called challenge involves people taking around 12 Benadryl tablets at once in order to experience hallucinations.

Baystate Hospital professor Dr. Matthew Sadof said Benadryl is an antihistamine or allergy relief medication that works to stop the release of histamine or molecules in the body that cause itchy eyes, nasal congestion and other related symptoms.

He said the drug also serves as a cholinergic agent which targets areas in the nervous system and can have serious side effects when taken excessively.

"If you take too much Benadryl," Sadof said. "You get what's called a cholinergic effect. You get flushed. Your face gets red. Your heart can beat in an abnormal way. It can stop. You can hallucinate. But it's very dangerous and unfortunately this poor young fellow, he passed away."

Professor Sadof said many over-the-counter drugs including Tylenol and aspirin can also cause major harm when taken beyond prescribed limits. He says parents should be very proactive about the TikTok challenge and warn their kids about the dangers that come with drug overdoses.