NORTHAMPTON, Mass. - Interns at Project SEARCH are preparing themselves for a life of independence through on the job training at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. The program helps young adults with individual needs by providing them with opportunities to develop career and life skills needed to thrive on their own.

What You Need To Know

  • Project SEARCH and Cooley Dickinson Hospital formed a partnership in March to have interns explore career options at the facility

  • Project Search is a transition to work program that provides on the job training opportunities for young adults with individual needs to learn skills to thrive in life

  • Two interns currently work at Cooley Dickinson Hospital doing many jobs including food preparation and stocking supplies
  • Project SEARCH  is a unpaid nine month unpaid internship program

On Friday, students Matthew Boynton and Jasmin Jimenez spent time in the hospital's kitchen making sure meals were prepared for the day.

"I was pouring out soups and tortellini," said Boynton "And putting them in plastic and labels."

Director of support services Ruth O'Connor said staffing can be a challenge at times, so the interns' support is critical.

"It's always challenging here, but we're doing well and Jasmin's been an intrical part of helping us do that," O'Connor said. "The customers love her. She's very friendly, she's very outgoing. I think she's learned a lot too, so I think that's been helpful. It's been a win-win on both occasions."

Program coordinator Ruth Poirier said working in a hospital in particular comes with great benefits because of the many jobs opportunities in the industry.

"There are jobs in surgical sterilization," Poirier said. "Stocking surgical supplies in surgery rooms, stocking supplies in the emergency rooms, as well and working with environmental services and sanitizing things and learning that aspect of the hospital policies."

The experience itself has also inspired confidence in the interns. People who are interested in signing up for the Project SEARCH can learn more about the program on their website.