AMHERST, Mass. - Amherst Town Councilor and Festival Organizer, Shalini Bahl-Milne is hoping the town's first ever South Asian Fall Festival will give people an opportunity to learn more about Asian culture and bring the community together.

What You Need To Know

  • Amherst will host inaguaral south Asian Fall Festival Saturday November 5th at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst

  • The event will celebrate Diwali, the annual Festival of Light which is a cultural holiday celebrated through music, art, and dance while also lighting lamps made of clay.

  • The event will run from 3:30PM to 6PM and is free and open to the public

The event comes after Diwali, the annual Festival of Light which is a cultural holiday celebrated through displays of art, music, and dance, as well as lamps made out of clay.

With an increase in violence towards Asian people during the pandemic, Bahl-Milne hopes the festival will be able to educate the community on South Asian culture while also bringing people together.

"So it's really an opportunity for people and neighbors to get to know each other," she said.  "And that really builds trust and understanding and all the things that we've been talking about that we are hoping this festival of light does."

As a mother who immigrated from India around 20 years ago, Bahl-Milne said it was difficult for her and family to adjust to a new country.

She said it's important for immigrants coming from South Asian countries like her who maybe feeling conflicted about their cultural roots to feel good about and embrace their heritage.

"Especially the kids, to grow up in this foreign country which is now their home to not forget the rich cultural heritage" she said.  "And actually feel a sense of pride in that through the celebration of dance, poetry, through music."

The South Asian Fall Festival will be held Saturday at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst from 3:30PM to 6PM with the event being free and open to the public.