WORCESTER, Mass. — The fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was front and center in Worcester Sunday.
The 2022 Walk to Defeat ALS stepped off at Polar Park. Hundreds walked one mile, or four laps, around the warning track of the field, raising money for families affected by ALS.
The disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. There is no cure yet.
Sunday’s walk was hosted by the Massachusetts chapter of the ALS Association, who says the need for funding and research grows each day.
“You know, folks with this disease lose their ability to walk, to speak, to swallow, to breathe, to use their hands,” Jennifer Chapin of the New England ALS Association said. “The loss of those things is incredibly devastating. So, events like this are happening around the country to try and raise that awareness, let people know about this relatively rare disease that has such a significant impact. It’s very expensive. It’s about $250,000 a year to care for somebody living with ALS.”
Organizers say they raised more than $51,000 as of Sunday, with a goal of reaching $100,000.