WORCESTER, Mass. - A formal ceremony recognizes the state's Vietnam veterans on Veterans Day on Thursday.
City and state leaders joined veterans at the state's Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Worcester's Green Hill Park.
Speakers told the crowd gathered it was nice to see this group finally getting the respect they deserve.
"All of the support we get today, the benefits, this new, beautiful new hospital that's going to be built over here. We stand on your shoulders. That is because of your work,” U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Colonel Harold Naughton said during Thursday’s ceremony.
"We know people who personally came back from Vietnam and I want to say ‘Thank you.’ I know we've gone a long ways to make it up for how you were treated and we still have a ways to go,” Mayor Joe Petty said. “And the city of Worcester also says thank you for your service."
The state's four acre memorial includes a pond, walking paths, and the memorial. It's dedicated to the 1,546 men and one woman from Massachusetts who died during the war.