WORCESTER, Mass. - Trick-or-treating is happening in Worcester this year. 

The annual event is scheduled for Halloween -- Sunday, Oct. 31. -- from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The trick-or-treating hours were recommended by the Worcester Police Department.

The city of Worcester is asking families to follow state guidance over Halloween weekend and during trick-or-treating or Halloween events in October. Like last year, the City will likely rely on public health data over the next several days to determine if the activity needs to be canceled.  

The state guidance issued last year during the pandemic is consistent with CDC guidance and encourages parents and guardians to make sure their kids are wearing masks while trick-or-treating and anyone giving out candy to also consider having hand sanitizer available to anyone that wants it.

Other Halloween and trick-or-treating state guidance includes:

  • Enjoy Halloween outside rather than attending indoor events.
  • Place candy on a platter instead of a bowl
  • Instead of traditional trick or treating, opt for one-way trick-or-treating, with treats placed outside of the home for trick-or-treaters as a “grab and go” while keeping distance from others.
  • Refrain from touching your face.
  • Decorate your yard for others to enjoy from their car or while on a socially-distanced walk.
  • Hold virtual costume contests or pumpkin carving events.
  • Celebrate with members of your household with a Halloween-themed meal, Halloween movie night, or by preparing a Halloween scavenger hunt.
  • Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet of physical distance from all other participants who are not members of the same household.

Last year, the city of Worcester asked families not to participate in trick-or-treating due to a rise in COVID-19 cases over the month of October. In 2019, trick-or-treating was nearly canceled due to the threat of the EEE virus.