For some, the snow is just part of being a New Englander.

And for Worcester's Fabian Williams, it's something he gets a kick out of.

He said, "Back in the day when the Blizzard of '78 happened, and all the snow dropped down and that noise. Since then I just loved the snow."

Williams was one of the few people Spectrum News actually saw walking around the Grafton Hill neighborhood Monday during the snow storm.

For many, the significant amount Worcester saw is a pain. But for him, it's a trip down memory lane from when he grew up in Boston.

Williams said, "You just heard the noise and everything was covered in snow. We used to just jump out the projects window into the snow. It was a great experience."

It snowed virtually the entire day Monday.

The constant snow made road conditions difficult for drivers, especially those looking to travel around Hamilton Street and its surrounding neighborhoods.

But for truck driver Vincent Jordan, it didn't really phase him. "I don't have a problem with it. I drive it every day. Just another day at work. That's it."

Just before the weather really picked up, Williams visited the grocery store. Monday was his birthday. And he planned on enjoying it exactly as he did when he was a kid.

"Relax, just watch the snow out the window probably. Then when it stops, I'll go out and fool around," he said.​​