LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Seneca High School hosted a voter education and registration drive for students.

What You Need To Know

  • The Justice Now class organized a voter registration drive for students at Seneca High School

  • The League of Women Voters volunteered to help with registrations

  • The voter registration deadline in Kentucky is Oct. 7

  • The General Election is Nov. 5

Wesley Adams, 17, is a senior at Seneca and graduates in 2025. He turns 18 in October and on Wednesday he filled out his voter registration card.

“It was important for me to register to vote today, to be able to get my voice out and be able to speak to other people and help other people understand why it’s important to register to vote,” Adams said.

Senior, Kristen Reinhart, 17, also registered to vote Wednesday.

She said, “Because I feel like it’s good for 18-year-olds to vote because this is going to be our president for the next four years, our start of adulthood.”

The Justice Now class organized the registration drive for students who are 18, or will be before Election Day.

There were people who came to speak. There were activities and games as well.

“Just really teach the kids about the electoral process, about being active in your community, about using your voice, learning the process, learning how to register to vote,” said Heysha Diaz Melendez, an English Teacher and the Hispanic Students United sponsor.

There were many hand-drawn signs encouraging people to vote and use their voice. The League of Women Voters volunteered to help register students to vote.

“I think voting is our most important right. Some people refer to it as a privilege, but it’s more than that. It’s our right and it’s our obligation as citizens to vote,” said Deborah Watt, a volunteer with the League of Women Voters.

Adams said it was important for him to register to vote.

“Because everybody’s vote matters. A lot of people don’t think their voice matters, but their voice does matter in this country.”

The voter registration deadline in Kentucky is Oct. 7. The General Election is Nov. 5.

For more information about voter registration or any questions regarding Election Day, visit our Spectrum News 1 Voter Guide.