FRANKFORT, Ky. — Former members of the Board of Education announced they are partnering with the Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions and will file a federal lawsuit against Governor Andy Beshear claiming they were illegally removed from their positions. 

The former members had filed a lawsuit in December in Circuit Court against the governor but plan to withdraw the case and refile it federal court.

The Bluegrass Institute, based out of Bowling Green, will provide financial and legal assistance to the former board as it tries to have the courts overturn Beshear's executive order. Board spokesman, Dr. Gary Houchens said, “For many years the Bluegrass Institute has demonstrated its commitment to education reform and improvement, as well as transparency and integrity in government. We are pleased to have them as partners."

Board members believe Beshear's executive order removing them from their positions violates Kentucky law. In a statement, Houchens added, "We believe the Governor’s actions violate the constitutional separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, and also denied board members their right to due process,” 

Bluegrass Institute President and CEO Jim Waters says the organization supports the lawsuit brought by the former members because it believes Beshear's actions set a "terrible precedent."

You can read the entire complaint below.