FLORIDA — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is reminding boaters to go slow and keep an eye out for manatees this spring as temperatures warm and sea cows migrate out of their winter habitats.

Between April 1 and Nov. 15, seasonal manatee zones require boaters to slow down in certain areas to prevent manatees from being injured or killed by motorboats or personal watercrafts, according to FWC.

Boat strikes continually threaten Florida manatees, FWC says, and boaters are reminded to abide by the regulatory signs posted on the water.

FWC recommends following these guidelines when on the water:

  • Wear polarized glasses
  • Follow all manatee protection zones (marked by waterway signs). Maps of the zones are available at myfwc.com/manatee
  • Keep an eye out for visible snouts or manatee “footprints” — large circles on the water that indicate manatees are below the surface
  • Give manatees space

Manatees are a protected species and it is illegal to feed, harass or harm them. You are asked to report injured, distressed, orphaned, sick or dead manatees to FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-407-3922.