BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Bowling Green is a city of more than 70,000 people, said Ron Bunch, Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce president. That population could double in just 25 years. 

What You Need To Know

  • The BG 2050 project allows residents to submit their input on how to shape up the city for the next 25 years 

  • Ideas can be submitted anonymously 

  • The deadline to submit input is March 17 

  • BG 2050 will post the findings in April

Bunch has seen the city's growth firsthand.

“We are growing faster than we have in the past, so how you keep up with that is critically important," he said. 

The city is also poised for more economic development. In 2023, magazine Site Selection listed Bowling Green No. 1 in that category for cities with a population under 200,000. 

Now, a monthlong conversation about how to keep up with the city’s growth is available to the public. The project, BG 2050, allows residents to give their two cents on how to shape up the city for the next 25 years. 

“What do we need to start thinking about in terms of infrastructure, housing, education, all the different issues that we’re going to have to face as a city?" asked Ryan Dearbone, one of the listening partners with the projects. 

Ideas can be submitted anonymously online. Leyda Becker, who is also a partner with the project, said she encourages everyone, from all backgrounds, to use the platform to voice their concerns or hopes.

“We want to make sure that the communities represented have a voice and to have an opportunity to bring that voice and engage with us during this project," she said. 

Dearbone said once the conversation is closed, the feedback will be used as a guide for businesses and elected officials.

“This is a blueprint for those coming into the office, for those coming into the community," Dearbone said.

The deadline to submit input is March 17. BG 2050 will post the findings in April.